
How Technology has helped improve business

Technology is all around us. In recent years, unprecedented advancements in technology have resulted in numerous changes in every facet of our lives. Businesses have also been positively affected by the surge in technology. Here are four ways that technology has helped to improve business.

3 jobs that are PERFECT for students

If there’s one thing students are known for, it’s travelling the path less taken to make a few quid. In the mad and rushing world of student life, where parties, endless cramming sessions and awkwardly scheduled tutorials make the idea of holding down a fulltime job an impossibility, doing the jobs that no one else will has become something of a rite of passage for pre-graduates.

But they don’t all have to be miserable, drudging experiences. Make the right search and you’ll be able to experience fun and quirky jobs that will take you to a variety of different situations.

So what jobs have we found that can give you an amazing student experience?

The right scent

The right sort of smell is vital to a businesses’ success, although most of them don’t realise it. But with a pongy workplace or retail space, customers will head for the exit quickly.

Enter scent marketing, the most ground-breaking form of promotion right now. Scent marketers create smells from scratch for clients, providing them with signature scents that they can use to satisfy their customers’ nostrils.

What to Consider Before Accepting an International Job Offer


Careers are an important aspect of our lives, which means we sometimes have to make sacrifices in order to progress - like moving abroad for a great job opportunity.

Such a decision should not be taken lightly. The process of moving abroad, the culture of your new country and even the job itself might not be what you were expecting. If you're thinking of moving abroad for work it's certainly worth seeking a great deal of career advice before confirming acceptance and packing one's cases - these are the six things you need to consider before accepting the position.

1) Visa

Your future employer will be well aware of the lengthy visa process if one is required, so ask as many questions as you can. For example, question the likelihood of your/their success in securing a visa for you in this position. In many countries, such as Australia and the US, companies have to prove that there are no nationals who can do the job instead of you. Ask the employer whether they have a good case for hiring you, before you get your hopes up only to discover there are in fact many nationals with your skillset.

Distance and Flexible Learning Opportunities in the UK


Whether you're a European citizen or an international student looking to study at one of the UK's many acclaimed institutions, the option of distance and flexible learning is a great opportunity to propel your education forward whilst pursuing other life goals.

So how can distance and flexible learning benefit you over enrolling in full-time education? Well, there is a wide variety of class and scheduling options that can fit around your current schedule, but to understand the benefits fully, and see if this type of learning is suited to you, let's take a look at how it can help you achieve the academic results you want, with the lifestyle you have.

What types of scheduling options are available?

Many students seeking flexible education do so because they are simultaneously pursuing a career, a passion, another form of education, or because they're located in a distant geographic area. You will find that there are usually two main routes in flexible studying, and each have their own merits:

1. Online Learning

Tips for Performing Well at Interview


So you did it, you got yourself an interview for that job, maybe you got more than one interview - what now? Preparing for an interview is really important. This is your chance to sell yourself and nail that job. Cast your eye over the tips below and kickstart your career.


Before your interview it is crucial that you research the company that you are applying to work for. It shows a level of initiative and enthusiasm if you can talk with confidence about the company. Don't just visit the website but research news stories about the company or talk to current employees. Showing that you have taken time to find out that much about the company will ensure that you stand out amongst other applicants.


Whilst you can't be sure what questions your interviewer will ask there are some common questions that are generally asked at interview. It is advisable to practise your answers to these questions so that you are confident in your response. You might want to practice them aloud in front of a mirror or with a friend or relative.

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