Interesting Things Students Can Do without Ever Leaving London

Going to university in London is quite an exciting time in your life, and even though you are young and anxious to get out and about in the world, you may have little time on your hands to go out 'prowling.' Whether you want to really focus on studying for that degree, or simply don't have the budget to do a lot of travelling, there are many things students can do without ever leaving London. Here are a few.
Study Foreign Languages for Fun and Future
Most often you are in school to learn a specific career. Although there may be a few electives that enable you to take an odd course or two, the tuition you've paid covers your degree courses and typically there isn't much left over. Even so, what happens if you are studying for a career that is likely to bring you to foreign lands to work? Wouldn't it be nice to study foreign languages on the side, such as Mandarin Chinese or Spanish? Those are two of the languages most used in commerce, other than English that is, and you simply can't go wrong taking the time to learn another language that will help further you in your chosen field.
Learn to Drive Whilst Young
One of the things which many middle age professionals regret is never having learned to drive in their younger years. They figured, "Why should I? I live in the City, transport is great and the cost of a vehicle would keep me from doing the things I like to do around town." But, as they progress in their occupation and find they have the resources for a vehicle or the need to own one having moved out of the City, they need to start learning later in life, which is no fun at all. You should check this site out to begin practicing for your theory test and then before you even get that degree, you'll have your driving licence and will be ready for the next stage in your life - your career.
Visit the Museums and Historical Sites
There's no reason to advise university students to get out and about to local clubs because that is something they do naturally. However, unless you are an art student or studying history of some sort, you may never get a first-hand look at any of the interesting bits of art and history in our museums that the UK is renowned for worldwide. Since you are already in the City studying for your degree, take the time to learn some of our history and culture because there may never be another chance to do so at your leisure. Before long, you'll be working and raising a family and time will be at a premium.
So there you have a few interesting things you can do without ever leaving London during your school years. Make the most of this time because it will never come again.