Moving out and Moving In

Angelique is originally from the Seychelles and has recently finished as a Law student at the University of London. After just completing a move to Bristol, she goes through some top tips for all you other students moving in the next few weeks.
"From September, at the start of the new academic year, thousands of students will be moving either from their home country to another country, or from one part of the country to another to study. Either way moving is no easy task.
Not only is there the emotional distress over whether you will like your new house, get along with your housemates and figure your way around the area, but there is also the hassle of actually physically getting from one place and settling in another.
This year, I have moved from London to Bristol and now that I feel slightly more settled than I did two days ago, I will share with you some tips and advice about moving.
Tip One: There is no need to pack unessential things. Three years have passed by and there are clothes that I took with me initially to university which I have still not worn. Although, I wouldn't say "pack light", only pack what you need. Remember Poundland is never too far away if you need a spatula.
Tip Two: There are a number of things which will be handy when moving. Pots and pans, cutlery (including a tin opener), cooking utensils, a corkscrew, tea towels, towels and bedding (pillows, pillowcases, sheets and duvet).
Tip Three: It might be a good idea to buy some basic food provisions when you move in just to keep you from starvation on the first day. An alternative idea would be to have a supermarket deliver items to the house, especially heavy items such as washing liquid.
Tip Four: If you are moving toa new country, you will have to set up a bank account. Most banks provide services especially for students. You will also need to get a National Insurance Number if you want to look for a part time job.
Tip Five: If you are living with house mates, discuss what is to be shared, how bills will be paid and the cleaning of the common areas. This will avoid any unnecessary conflict.
Tip Six: Find your nearest bus stop that gets you to university and take a day to see how long it will take you to get there. Make sure you take traffic into consideration if classes are early in the morning.
After all is sorted, take a deep breath and think of the journey ahead. There will be fun times and there will be hard times. You always have to keep in mind that education is key and all we need is to keep moving forward!
For more advice on arriving in a new country, read our Student Starter Pack, or to read all Angelique's old posts click here.