Round up of the Week (23-5-11)

Every Monday we bring you a round up of all the student news from the past week, as well as the trends hitting the web at the moment. This week’s includes abuse of the student visa system, the mystery footballer (sneakily disguised above) and real life ‘Space Invaders’.
Student News
International Student Centre Unveiled at Exeter
A £53 million study centre and residential accommodation designed to increase the number of foreign students at the University of Exeter has been completed. The centre features, a science lab, interactive whiteboards in every classroom, I.T. suites and a new café and social area.
Minister Warns Student Visa System may be Abused
Damian Green- the UK’s Immigration minister- has warned that thousands of international students may be abusing the current UK student visa scheme. He responded to revelations that foreign nursing students at Glasgow Caledonian University have been working up to 100 hours a week.
Secondary School Boys Struggle with their Reading
New research suggests that many secondary school boys in the UK are put off reading long books even before they have opened them. Teachers revealed that even those that do get past the first few pages rarely reach the 100 page mark.
Web Trends
The Worst kept Secret in the World
Here in the UK, both the online and traditional media is full of the story about a footballer who had an affair with Big Brother contestant Imogen Thomas. To prevent the papers revealing the affair, he took out a super-injunction to ‘gag’ them. However, since then, a Twitter user has named him as well as a Scottish newspaper, as it is becoming the worst kept secret in the world.
Learn How to Tie your Shoes
The first ever 3-minute talk given from the TED stage was in 2005 and taught the audience a better way to tie their shoe laces. Wondering why this was ever worthy of a TED Talk? See for yourself below.
Real life Space Invaders
The latest video sensation on YouTube is of the classic videogame ‘Space Invaders’ being transported into real life. Watch it below: