Student Fees Protest in London

Foreign Students's picture

Thousands of students turned out on the streets of London yesterday to protest against the increase to tuition fees. We went along to see what the atmosphere was like and to talk to a few of the protestors. Below will give you a feel of the rally: 



Overall, the protest was very peaceful, due at least in part to the huge police presence. There were some 4,000 police officers lining the route of the march, though only 24 arrests were made, mainly for minor offences. The number of protestors that turned up varies depending on who you believe, with the police estimating there were about 2,000, whilst the organisers claim that as many as 15,000 attended.  

Our impression from the two hours we spent with the protestors, was of a peaceful, and generally light hearted march. However, there was a clear anger and disillusionment amongst the students, with chants attacked everyone from David Cameron and Nick Clegg, to the police and the City. 

Did you attend the protest? what did you think of the attendance and the number of police? Give us your view in Discussions Section.

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