Student Sexism And The State Of Feminism

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The case of the British student Rebecca Meredith is the latest example of how women are still victims of sexism in Western societies. Rebecca faced rape threats during a debate at Glasgow University, earlier this month, and the episode shed light on the topics of feminism and sexism.

British Sexism

Women in the UK have many freedoms and their basic human rights are recognised. However, it's far from the truth to state that women are no longer victims of sexism. From wolf-whistles in the tube to denigrations of any type, especially at the workplace, sexism in the UK is still common and the path for equality is still long and hard.

Many countries are still plunged into chauvinism and the UK is not an exception: do you remember the decision of the Church of England according to which women cannot become bishops? This happened only a few months ago.

I agree with Rebecca's outrage when one of her peers pointed out that Western women do not really need a National Women’s Day.

We DO need a National Day that celebrates our achievements and reminds us of those goals still yet to be achieved. However, I think that often, if men do not respect us as they should, it is partly women's fault. The fault of abandoning the cause.

The Future Of Feminism

Women need to value their dignity, adjust their morality, act less as sexual objects and be more intellectually active. Women have to work on the value of their essence, not the value of their body. Every day is still a struggle against prejudices, injustices and racism.

Only when every single woman is aware of how our rights are still today denied, derided and ignored, we can fully enjoy a day that commemorates our victories, our struggles and the goals reached. Before that, there is still a lot to do.

Feminism is needed now as much as it was sixty years ago. Let us not waste what our ancestresses have achieved.

Ludovica Iaccino is an Italian who graduated in international journalism and is currently living in London.

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