Foreign Fridays Fact: USA

As part of Foreign Fridays, we explore a different country each week through its most unusual, amusing and odd facts. If you want your country to appear, then simply get in contact with us either in the comments below or through Facebook or Twitter.
This week it is the turn of the USA:
During the weekend of the Super Bowl in 2012,
it is estimated that 1.25 billion(!) chicken
wings will be eaten in America.
This weekend is the all singing, all dancing, mega event that is the Super Bowl. On Sunday, hundreds of millions of people (literally) in America will invite their friends around, prepare the refreshments and sit down in front of the TV to watch the finalé to the American football season. They may be the only country in the world to properly understand the rules of it, but they certainly know how to put on a show.
The event is on such a vast scale that all the figures and statistics surrounding it are quite amazing. However, one stood out more than any other- 1.25 BILLION chicken wings eaten in a single weekend!? Madness. Last year, an estimated 163 million Americans watched at least some of the Super Bowl. That means that every last one of them would have to eat almost 8 chicken wings each. That's a lot of chicken.
However, whilst the Super Bowl is easy to mock from the outside, there is no denying that each year it is one of the greatest shows on Earth. The mix of celebrity, unashamed patriotism and sheer over-the-top-ness, makes it a weekend every American looks forward to.
You can see all the previous Foreign Friday blog posts here and the main Foreign Fridays page here.