graduate jobs

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Get the most out of your weekday mornings

Is your current pre-work regime to fall out of bed, stumble into the shower and run to the train station with a piece of toast in one hand and coffee in the other?

Do you feel like there isn’t enough time in the morning and find yourself struggling to get up or into work mode? We know that feeling.

Try out our tips on waking up, getting energised, and getting things done in the early hours:

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9 ways to make a great impression at careers fairs

Careers fairs, at university or otherwise, are an important resource for job seekers. They offer an excellent opportunity to introduce yourself to potential employers and market yourself in your chosen industry. Even if you don’t get graduate jobs offers as a direct result of the fair, they can be valuable in expanding your network, learning about the industry, gathering company information, honing interview skills, building up your confidence meeting potential employers…the list goes on.

To make the most of careers fairs and the connections you make you need to ensure your first impression makes a memorable impact.  It is important to remember that anyone you meet at the fair could be prospective employer, so you want to stand out in a positive way.

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Graduate weapons for attacking the job hunt: marketing

As my first month at Inspiring Interns draws to a close, I am becoming increasingly familiar with the desirable characteristics that we look for in super-duper graduates. Characteristics that create sparklingly successful candidates. Of course, it goes without saying that we’re looking for the cream of the crop, the crème de la crème of graduates to match with our magnificent graduate internships and job opportunities. But what exactly makes someone the cream of the crop? Now that I’ve got a good idea myself, I’m going to put together a weekly series for you readers, industry by industry, that will help you understand what makes someone a good candidate and provide you with the weapons you need to stand-out from the crowd. This week I take on marketing…

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Graduate weapons for attacking the job hunt – graphic and web design

With over 300,000 students graduating last year and a larger figure anticipated to do so this summer, knowing how to make yourself stand out from the crowd will be your golden key to success. For the benefit of those who have not caught the previous episodes, the graduate weapons are a series of blogs designed to take on the key industries that you graduates are aiming to break into and provide you with insider tips on what the Inspiring team look for in the greatest of candidates for these roles. This week I delve into the design sector, analysing both web and graphic career paths.

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Graduate weapons for attacking the job hunt – human resources

Tackling industries head-on in a bid to breakdown and identify the star characteristics that will help you graduates on the prosperous path to career success; this week the graduate weapons takes on human resources. With greater importance being laid on the implementation of correct and effective HR protocol in businesses worldwide, it’s an element increasingly recognised as integral part of any organisation; a department that is firmly seated around the boardroom table, contributing to the development of a company’s strategy. It doesn’t stop there; HR touches every industry bringing endless career opportunities for graduates to seize. Now let’s take a look at how best to do it…

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