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Look Forward to a Career in Law


For the contemporary student who's on the verge of starting a course, there are a number of career paths which are open, ranging from something in the arts to a job in heavy engineering. Given the fact that there's a world of possibility that's about to open up, it's a good idea to weigh up the alternatives before making a commitment.

One of the most rewarding careers can also be one of the most prestigious. Working in the legal industry is highly rewarding, both in terms of monetary remuneration and good old-fashioned job satisfaction, but it's not a sector that you can simply stumble into. To work here, you need academic qualifications and a strong desire to succeed.

If you see yourself working as a personal injury claim lawyer you need to make plans now, because a career in the law sector requires a great deal of hard work. In most cases, you will need a bachelor's degree as well as a law degree. The study courses are hard and can also be very intensive, but passing them brings plenty of rewards.

No two days are likely to be the same with this job

Amr's picture

Fur Farm Cruelty

A new investigation into animal cruelty has recently been conducted on Chinese fur farms exposing new information and spawning some extremely disturbing videos. In response, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has published a related video, narrated by actress Olivia Munn (link at bottom). Until a few days ago, I had been unfamiliar with this issue, until I saw the previously mentioned video. I had heard that the fur "industry" was being attacked constantly by animal rights activists but that was the extent of my knowledge on the topic.

The Video In Question

If you haven't watched the video yet or do not wish to view it at all, you should at least know its contents even if only through words.

Here is the scene:

The video starts by showing Raccoon dogs being slammed on the floor, beaten by steel rods, breaking their necks and heads all while very much alive. Some are tied and hanged on hooks then sliced through by knives, still alive and screaming. Afterwards, their skin is peeled off much like one would tear open a bag of crisps or peel off a tomato skin (if you don't believe me, watch the video). The soundtrack throughout the video of course is the terrified squeals and screams of both, the animals being skinned as well as those watching and waiting their turn.

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What to Do if You Have an Accident at Work

Even as a student working at a part-time job, your employer is legally responsible for your safety while you are on the clock. Under the RIDDOR laws, which specify health and safety regulations in the workplace, your employer is required to provide a safe work environment and also to report any accidents if they occur.

Of course, nobody plans to have an accident. But they can happen in even the safest workplaces. Read on to learn more about the types of accidents that may occur on the job and what you can do if one happens to you.

What is RIDDOR?

Established in 1995, RIDDOR refers to a national law that clearly defines the types of accidents that need to be reported if they occur in the work place. RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. It specifies the types of reportable incidents and provides a system of protocol for reporting them.

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