Seven Reasons Your CV was Ignored

If you’re reading this you’re probably at the stage where you’re on the lookout for graduate jobs and are firing out CVs left, right and centre. Here are a few things to consider from the eyes of a recruiter.
1. You didn’t sell yourself
A CV shouldn’t just be a piece of paper with a few stats and contact details, you need to sell yourself. Boast about where you believe you really stand out. It doesn’t have to be charity work or public speaking; think about instances from your course. Did you consistently get work in early? Were you top of your class? Include it.
2. You overused the business mumbo-jumbo
Knowing what you’re talking about is always an advantage if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for, but knowing when to hold back is another skill entirely. Don’t encumber your CV with phrases like: ‘command and leverage the businesses personnel to meaningfully navigate a pressing company project’. What does that even mean?
3. You were too generic
Tailor your CV to every job. Take the time to read through the role you’re applying for and chop and change certain skills where necessary. For example if you’re going to be in a customer facing role, highlight previous part-time jobs in retail/bars.
4. You deemed previous experience ‘irrelevant’
You’ll likely be entering your first full-time job so it’s easy to see yourself as having no relevant experience, but don’t neglect what you have done. Some of your old part-time roles, at a club or a position in a university society may highlight skills you can use in graduate jobs!
5. Your CV was too long
This is definitely one of the most common problems. Your CV shouldn’t exceed one page at a graduate level. A seasoned professional’s CV will be about two pages, so don’t overload your CV with non-essential information. Employers will be faced with hundreds of CVs so if they’re presented with one which is 3-4 pages long, it’s likely to be discarded.
6. Overuse of clichés
When it comes to naming qualities, traits and skills keep them simple. And if you can back them up with evidence. Nobody wants to read endless lists of ‘passionate’, ‘motivated’ and ‘team-player’!
7. Wipe the slate clean
A graduate role should be a stepping stone into the world of work, so use this chance to get a new professional email address and refresh any social media profiles.
Remember that your CV is the first hurdle in the job race, nailing it at the first attempt will save you valuable time in the job market.