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Best Ways to Keep Your Eyes Fit During Exams

Over the last few years, the number of people using specs and contact lens has greatly increased. Experts blame several things for this, such as the excessive use of computers. It has been proven that putting too much pressure on our eyes affects them in a very negative way. It is very important to take care of the eyes so that they can stay fit for an extended period of time.

Many say that using high quality lens is good, especially when they can get lenses discount code. No disagreement, high quality lenses are actually good, but there are better solutions to keep your eyes fit, especially if you are a university student preparing for exams.

There are several eye exercises that can help your eyes in the long run. Below are eight ways in which vision improvement exercises will keep university students' eyes fit during exams.

1. More Concentration

Vision improvement exercises help students concentrate better. A common problem that students face is reading/copying words wrongly. They cannot even point out a mistake during proofreading due to poor concentration. By following techniques such as palming, this problem can be reduced to a great extent.

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Eyecare Advice for International Students

For any student starting their first year of university, there are many things to think about: being away from home for the first time, a student loan in your pocket, plenty of freshers' activities on offer, making new friends, maybe going to the odd class...the chances are that eyecare is not on a typical student's list of priorities. For international students who also have to worry about a new culture, a new language and - let's face it - some pretty cold weather, it's even further down the list.

Yet caring for your eyes is important if you want to be able to put the time in in front of your laptop studying without creating health problems for yourself. There are many things which can cause problems with eyesight, especially if the climate is different to that which you're used to. Here we outline a few of the eye-related problems and what to do about them.

Long Flights

On the way in and out of the UK - which may involve five or six trips every year - your eyes may struggle to adapt to the low humidity in the plane. Those wearing contact lenses especially talk of dry and itchy eyes, which are made worse by dozing off on the plane. Having eyedrops to hand is very useful - these can be picked up from any UK pharmacy and will rehydrate the eyes.

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What to Do if You Have an Accident at Work

Even as a student working at a part-time job, your employer is legally responsible for your safety while you are on the clock. Under the RIDDOR laws, which specify health and safety regulations in the workplace, your employer is required to provide a safe work environment and also to report any accidents if they occur.

Of course, nobody plans to have an accident. But they can happen in even the safest workplaces. Read on to learn more about the types of accidents that may occur on the job and what you can do if one happens to you.

What is RIDDOR?

Established in 1995, RIDDOR refers to a national law that clearly defines the types of accidents that need to be reported if they occur in the work place. RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. It specifies the types of reportable incidents and provides a system of protocol for reporting them.

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Five Ways to Stay Feeling Healthy (Even if You’re Not)

Starting a new year at university is one of the times when staying fit and healthy usually takes a back seat. Chances are your body will be taking quite a bit of punishment at the moment, with late nights, alcohol and a ‘creative' diet not especially helping.

Whilst it is pretty unrealistic to think that you can stay at the peak of health throughout university, you can at least make yourself feel as though you're reasonably healthy. Here we have our top five tips to achieve just that during the busy first months at university. Some are just plain, good advice for staying healthy, others are cheats that can trick your body in to thinking everything is well.

1) Exercise

Ok this is not exactly revolutionary advice, but it's amazing how much better you feel after doing some exercise, even if its just a walk into lectures. Whilst the university sports centre may seem expensive now, believe me, it is waayyy cheaper than regular sports centres, so make use of it.

Find a friend who enjoys the same sport as you and set a time and day each week that you play against each other. Make it competitive and you're less likely to duck out with a hangover. One more thing- for the next 6 months, indoors is better, as bad weather can be an easy excuse to stay in bed.

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