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Got a Graduate Job? Here's How to Ensure You're Treated Fairly

The job market for recent college graduates is strong, and that means competition will be fierce for positions available. If you're one of the lucky ones who got a job, you know that means a lot of uncertainty for you. Working for another person is challenging enough, let alone working with someone you're not used to. 

To help make the transition as smooth as possible, you need to know what to look out for. There are a few red flags you can look out for when dealing with a new supervisor. If you're being treated unfairly, it could be because of your new supervisor. 

By learning how to spot unfair treatment and what you can do about it, you can ensure you're treated fairly and have a positive working relationship with your new supervisor or contact an attorney if it becomes too much to handle. 

1. Don't be afraid to ask questions

When you start a new job, it can be difficult to know what to ask. It's important not to be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions. Your supervisor is there to help and guide you in the right direction. If there's something you don't understand or need help with, don't be afraid to ask. 

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Graduate Degrees to Consider for a Big Career Push

Different people choose to pursue a master's degree for different reasons. Some do it to pursue their passion in a particular field. Others enroll in a graduate program in order to build a better future for themselves and give their career a big push.

If you're looking for the best master's degrees to pursue in order to give your career a boost, then you have come to the right page. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the most exciting graduate degrees to consider.

Biomedical Engineering

The field of biomedical engineering is among the hottest fields on the market. Demand for experts in this specific field is on the rise and will continue to increase for the next five to 10 years. This makes a master's degree in biomedical engineering one of the best degrees to pursue today. By the time you complete the graduate program, you will have plenty of opportunities waiting for you.

There are a lot of  career paths to pursue if you have a biomedical engineering degree. You can enter the field of clinical engineering, medical imaging, and biomechanics. With the rapid growth of the pharmaceutical sector, companies are also looking for biomedical engineers to strengthen research and development team.

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Great Tips to Make Your Graduate Resume Stand Out

Applying for your first job once you graduate can be challenging. You might have a great degree but so will many other applicants. You may even be coming up against people with much more work experience in the field. With more people than ever applying for every graduate job, you need to find ways to make sure your resume stands out and makes it to the top of the pile.

What Makes You Different?

When trying to make your resume stand out, finding out what makes you stand out and what could make your resume different from all the others is a great start. Studying in a different country as a foreign student gives you a unique experience. It shows you're not afraid of a challenge and that you can easily get to know new people and fit into new situations. Studying online for an online masters in accounting is another unique learning experience. Going out of your way to study online shows you have a huge level of commitment to your chosen subject.


Keep it clean. Make sure the paper is crisp, white, and of high-quality. Prospective employers will get a first impression from their first glance at your resume. It's important.

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3 Ways to Gain that All-Important Work Experience

‘Experience' is an essential yet sometimes equally elusive part of the working world. Many graduates are repeatedly saddened and frustrated to find out that they can have the best academic record but without relevant experience in the field that they're interested in, they are often turned away from job after job. When most companies are asking for experience but no company will give you any then it can be an endless dark loophole. But it's not all doom and gloom. If no one will give you it then you have to go out and get it! Here are three simple ways that you can get that all-important experience for the job you want and nail the next interview.

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Sorting Out Your Finances after Graduation

After you graduate from university, you will have a lot to think about and a lot to sort out. One of the many key things you will have to give some thought to is your financial situation. As a university graduate, it is now time to stand on your own two feet, which means looking at ways to get your financial situation off to a good start.

While you might not have had a huge amount of experience when it comes to finances - after all, for most students finances are pretty limited - the sooner you start planning the better. Some of the things that you will need to think about in order to start life in the real world on an even footing include:

Earning some money

In order to sort out your finances you actually need to have some finances to sort. This means getting a job sorted out so that you have some money coming in. You should avoid the mistake of waiting for the ideal job to come along, as you could be waiting for some time in the current economic climate. Instead, get yourself any job that pays a decent wage and start earning some money while you wait for the perfect job to come up.

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