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Our iPad Winner Revealed!

After two months of entries flooding in, we can finally reveal the winner of the grand prize in our iPad 2 competition.

Everyone who registered with the Foreign Students site during March and April was entered into a free prize draw to celebrate the launch of our new website. After entry closed last week, we picked one lucky member at random. And the winner is....

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Shine! International Student Awards Winner Announced

Last Wednesday, the UK’s brightest and best international students gathered in London for the Shine! 2011 International Student Awards ceremony. Every year the Shine! Awards celebrate international students and what they bring to the UK.

Rather than focus on the academic side of things, they instead act as a way for students to tell the inspirational stories from their time studying in the UK.

Maria's picture

My Relationship with London

Someone recently shared with me an electronic copy of A Baseball Game in London and other Exaggerated Chronicles, a short book written by a fellow Cuban who spent a few years in London completing a PhD. The Cuban literary magazine Cubaliteraria had invited the author to write a series of vignettes about British culture, as experienced by his own senses. What results is an insightful and at times hilarious memoir that shows how even a baseball-loving Caribbean can find and love his home in London.

This not-so-baseball-loving Cuban can understand. I too have come to embrace London as a fourth(!) home. As a foreigner, I am a proud member of a majority group, sharing seminars and meals with people from Tibet, Kosovo, the Philippines, Kazakhstan, Vietnam. London has brought us together and allowed us to discover that we actually can laugh at the same jokes.  

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TED Talks - Chade-Meng Tan: Everyday compassion at Google

Google's head of personal growth Chade-Meng Tan shares interesting insights into compassion, and his thoughts on the relationship it has with happiness.

Beyond personal development and adopting a world-embracing view, this lecture looks at how everyday compassion can also be beneficial in the workplace - which is highlighted in businesses such as Google.

Maria's picture

LSE: The Libya School of Economics

The fact that LSE professors (including former LSE director Sir Howard Davies) formally advised the Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafi and received thousands of pounds in research grants as compensation did not come as a big surprise to me.

Many academic institutions and individual scholars offer consulting services to governments around the world, sometimes even encouraged by their own governments. The controversy does not lie in these services per se, but rather in the disputed ethics of serving dictatorial and repressive regimes.

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